
Security Policy

Supported Versions

We release patches for security vulnerabilities in the following versions:

Version Supported
0.x.x-alpha :white_check_mark:

Reporting a Vulnerability

At Football-match-predictions, we take security seriously and value the contributions of security researchers to help keep our project safe and secure. If you discover a security vulnerability in this project, we appreciate your help in responsibly disclosing it to us.

To report a security vulnerability, please follow these steps:

  1. Privately Notify Us: Please report the vulnerability to us privately by sending an email to Please avoid posting the vulnerability publicly until we have had a chance to review and address it.
  2. Include Details: When reporting the vulnerability, please provide as much detail as possible, including steps to reproduce the vulnerability and any potential impact it may have.
  3. Allow Time for Response: We will acknowledge your report promptly and work with you to address the issue. Please allow us some time to investigate and implement any necessary fixes.
  4. Be Responsible: We kindly request that you do not engage in any malicious activities or exploit the vulnerability further while we investigate and address it.

Scope and Responsibilities


We greatly appreciate the efforts of security researchers who responsibly disclose vulnerabilities and assist us in improving the security of our project. As a token of our appreciation, we may acknowledge individuals or organizations who report security vulnerabilities, subject to their preference for recognition.

Contact Information

If you have any questions or concerns regarding security matters in f1-analysis, please contact us at